About Us
We are the second group of IB students that are organizing the Café Science in the highschool of Tampereen Lyseon Lukio, Tampere, Finland. Café Scientifique is a CAS project of ours, and our objective is to organize as many talks as possible.
We reach out to scientists and researchers who specialize in a variety of unique fields and organize an event where they can present their own topics from their area of expertise to anyone attending. Science is an incredibly broad field, meaning we will be able to learn all kinds of things, whether it is from the past or the future!
Originally from Leeds, England, the first Café Scienitifique took place in 1998. The concept was first brought to Finland by the British Council, who, working alongside the French Institute, organized the first cafés in Helsinki. The first Tampere Café Scientifique was founded by professor Howy Jacobs and Kaarina Ojasti (with her IB students) in 2008. Now IB professor Sari Kiski is helping us to continue the Café that our seniors relaunched the original Café here at Rellu!
We are open to anyone who wants to come, and encourage you to join us!
​Each of us is working hard on our own time to make sure the events happen as smoothly as possible.
Thank you for stopping by!